The buzzing noise that comes with recording an electronic guitar is a common issue that reduces the quality of the recordings. The causes of buzzing can be both technical and environmental. These causes range from faulty equipment to poor recording techniques. This article will discuss the causes of buzzing in your records and effective ways to eliminate them.

Causes of Guitar BuzzingÂ
There are different reasons your guitar makes a buzzing noise during recording. These reasons include
Ground Loops
Ground loop arises when you connect your guitar, amp, and pedals to a standard power source. A circulating current flowing through these devices simultaneously causes the buzzing sound whenever you are recording your electric guitar.Â
Single-Coil Pickups
Sicoil-coil pickups are guitar pickups that consist of a single coil wire wrapped around a magnet. The magnet of the single-coil pickups makes it sensitive to electromagnetic fields. This sensitivity leads to Hum and buzzes of about 60Hz.Â
Electromagnetic InterferenceÂ
Electromagnetic interference can arise from different sources when recording your guitar. Some of the causes of electromagnetic interference include fluorescent lights and power supplies.
Poor Technique
Touching the strings with your fingers while playing the guitar is a poor technique. This technique can lead to Ground buzzing, which ultimately leads to the buzzing of your guitar.
Equipment-Based Solutions to Get Rid of Guitar Buzzing
Shielded Cables
Shielded cables surround your recording equipment to prevent external electromagnetic fields. You can reduce the hum and buzz that enters your recording by using shielded cables for your guitar, amp, and pedals.
Ground Lifters
Ground lifters are small stools used to support your guitar and other equipment. Ground Lifters are used to prevent Ground Loops. They work by preventing direct current circulation from your guitar to the power source.
Noise Gates
You can use noise gates to get rid of guitar buzzing during recording. These electronic devices automatically reduce the volume of a signal when it falls below a certain threshold. You can set this threshold above the level of the unwanted noise. By using a noise gate, you can get rid of background noise and buzz from your recordings.
Opt for humbuckers instead of single-coil pickups. Humbuckers are a type of guitar pickup consisting of two wire coils wound in opposite directions. This design cancels out the buzz that is associated with single-coil pickups. Humbucker is a solid choice if you want a powerful and thicker tone with your guitar.
Recording Techniques To Reduce Guitar Buzzing
Proper techniques must be followed when recording a guitar to reduce buzzing and noise. These techniques includeÂ
Proper Amp PlacementÂ
Your amplifier must be placed at a distance from your microphone in the recording room. This way, the noise picked up when recording your guitar will be reduced. You should also ensure your amp is placed in a recording room empty of unnecessary equipment.
Isolating your guitar and amp from other noise sources will improve the quality of your recordings. You can isolate equipment by using a soundproof booth or placing blankets or curtains around your equipment.Â
Digital Noise ReductionÂ
After recording, if you notice any buzzing sound, you can use software to reduce the noise in your recordings. However, you should note that noise reduction software can degrade the quality of your recordings. Therefore, you are advised to use these software tools only when necessary.