As a musician, accepting credit cards is a game-changer, even though there are more common payment methods. Therefore, every musician must be set up to receive credit cards at all times as a means of payment. Missing out on that big gig because you do not accept credit cards is a risk no artist should take. To ensure you are always prepared, below are easy ways to set up different platforms for you to accept credit cards and ensure the security of your client's credit cards.Â

Three Easy Credit Card Payment ProcessorÂ
Paypal is a payment processor that allows you to accept the client’s credit card. However, both parties must have a PayPal account. It is easy to use but comes with a 3.49% plus 49 cents per transaction.
How to Use Paypal to Accept Credit Cards
Visit the PayPal website and sign up
Select business account as the account type
Provide your business information
Set up your password
Login and click on business tools
Select Paypal standard or PayPal payment standard to accept credit cards
Follow the onscreen instructions to round up the process.Â
Venmo works similarly to Paypal. You need a business account with Venmo to accept credit cards. The client must also be a Venmo user. It comes with a 3% charge on all transactions.
How to Use Venmo to Accept Credit Cards
Set up a Venmo business profile
Go to Pay or Request and select Request patent
Enter the amount and add a note describing the services offered
Send the invoice to your client via Venmo
The client will pay via their Venmo balance
Square is the easiest processor to use to accept credit cards. It does not require the client to have an account. Using square comes with a 2.9% plus 30 cents per every transaction.
How to Use Square to Accept Credit Card
Square offers so many options for accepting credit cards. If the patent is in-person, you can use any of the following methods.
Square reader
Square Terminal
Square Stand
Before a transaction can occur, the Square reader must be connected to your mobile phone or your Square terminal.Â
If the client wants to pay online, you can facilitate the payments using Square Online or Square Invoices.
Importance of Accepting Credit Cards
Aside from not missing out on gigs, more benefits come with accepting credit cards as a musician.Â
It offers convenience to your clients as they can easily make transactions
Accepting credit cards gives you a professional image
It allows you to land high-paying gigs, therefore increasing your total revenue
Credit card transactions are stored electrically, therefore providing a simplified record keeping of transactions.
Accepting credit cards is not restricted to accepting payments from clients. In fact, if you plan to sell Merchandise, you must state that you accept credit cards as a means of payment. Set up your payment process and get ready to get that mind-blowing gig that would be paid via credit cards.